Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'll Be Back

Hello all my friends.  Some of you may have seen that portions of the US were devastated by historic flooding this week.  I live in one of those areas along the Susquehanna River in a town that has been flooded.  Thankfully our home was spared, as the river crested less than 100 yards from our house.  We had enough water pouring into our normally dry and liveable basement to cause a headache but my husband's store was not so fortunate.  The entire store was flooded.  It happened so fast that he, his employees and some of his tenants had no clue what was going on and had to be rescued from the rising waters.  It sits along one of the creeks that spilled its banks in an area that has never ever flooded before.  Roads, bridges and even some houses are gone and washed away.     There is sunshine after the rain and God has showed us his mercy.  Yesterday and today have been sunny/warm despite the forecast for continued rain and we are very, very thankful!  We live in a community that is strong and sticks together in a crisis and we will be back on our feet soon. 
This being said, I must take a break from blogging for a short time.  This nightmare compounded with another situation that has been going on with my family is leaving no time for my beloved blog and I feel terrible about not being able to visit some of you over the last few weeks.  It would have been quiet here a few weeks ago had it not been for my DTs and a few of my friend's Blog Hops.  My DT's are so awesome and have been so supportive!  I feel blessed not only to be a part of them but to know these talented and caring ladies!  Also, thank you to FCCB for spotlighting a few of my projects lately! 
In the midst of the all the chaos here, I haven't had the chance to share some very exciting news, I have some projects that have been selected for magazine publications!  They'll be published in the beginning of next year!  Without the love and support I receive here, I may have never had the nerve to submit anything so a BIG Thank You to all of you and especially to Kimberly for that! 
If you are still reading my mini novel today, I have some DT projects scheduled to post over the next few weeks but I am not going to be working on any new projects.  Thank you to everyone who has continued to stop by and leave your wonderful and uplifting comments and thank you for understanding that my family must come first right now.  I will be back ASAP.  Take care everyone!


1 angie ashuk said...

Coming from a place that had horrible flooding over the spring, I can feel your pain and fears. I'm glad your home was spared and your husband made it out safe. be well.

2 June Houck said...

We will be here when you are able to return. Life does get in the way sometimes of our blogging passion, but family time must come first. Your loyal blog fans will be here when you are able to return.

Sending you a big cyber hug,

3 Rachel said...

oh my gosh I am so sorry this has happened to your family. I'll be thinking of you and miss your crafting!

4 HappyPlaceJen said...

God's blessings to you, Amber, and your family & community! My prayers are with you! :) ~Jen

5 Letillia said...

My prayers 2 you and your family! No matter What Family is our 1st Priority I understand completely! We will be here when you get back, Stay Safe and Be Blessed!!

6 Missy said...

Oh Amber, I'm so sorry to hear about everything you've got going on! It just amazes me that in one part of our country we've got flooding and in another, fires are burning out of control. I will be praying for you. And, congrats on your publications, you SO deserve it!!!

7 JoAnn V. ( said...

So glad you're ok! *hugs* Let me know if you need anything!

8 Dr Sonia S V said...

Oh Amber that is so sad. Somehow I knew something was amiss even before reading this post as you always pop over to say hi. Do take care and dont worry about your blog. I am so glad your kids and family are fine.Prayers, Hugs and a lot of love

9 Carol's Creations said...

So sorry to hear about what you are going are in my prayers and hopes for a fast return!!!

10 Cely said...

omigosh girl! I hope you can take care of everything. i'll be praying for you and your family. and don't worry, we'll still all be here when you get back!

11 RiNNE said...

:( so sorry about all this. Take care!!! Hugs!

12 Karen H said...

My sweet friend, I'm sending you more love and light than you can even imagine. I'm praying extra for you and your loved ones. Stay faithful and He will guide you through all these storms. *hugs* Congratulations on your happy news! You are one of the most talented crafters I've ever met and I'll probably tear up when I see your gorgeous work in those publications. You are loved, my friend! Email me anytime, okay? I'm always here for you!

Hugs and blessings!

13 Sharon said...

Ya'll will be in my prayers. :)

14 flowerdisco said...

amber darling, i was looking at the floods news today and now i had time to stop by and read what has happened to you and that what i was seeing in the news it was so close and affecting you. i am so sorry but god never abandon us in the midst of chaos.
on the other hand, BIG CONGRATS! on your pubs. i am too chicken yet to even think about it, lol.
so happy and so sad here for you!

15 Dawn said...

I am thankful that your home was spared, but am sorry for your husbands store. Keep the faith, all will be ok through the Lord our Savior. I will pray for you and your town. Congratulations on having some of your cards published in magazines. :)

16 Christine said...

Amber, I am so sorry to hear about your home and your husband's business. I can't imagine what you are going through. Where we live in Bucks County has been very fortunate, but others in my church family have not been so lucky with flooding of the Delaware River and the Neshaminy Creek. My prayers are with you and if there is anyway I can help you please message me.
Be strong and always remember that God is always with you in good times and in troubles times.


17 Kate said...

I'm so sorry to hear about everything. I hope everything works out and we will be hear when you return. My prayers are with you and your family. Be safe.

Congrats on your publications.


18 Tracey said...

Take Care Amber...look forward to seeing your creations soon.xo

19 :: Samantha KT :: said...

Amber, I am glad that you and your family are safe! I look forward to seeing more of your work when you are able to return!

Congrats on the mag publications! :)


20 Lynn B. said...

Good luck with everything. I hope you all stay safe and can get things "fixed" with minimal hassle. Good luck.

21 abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your community during this time. My sister is also in a flood area, and she was not so lucky her house flooded her basement and the entire first floor to almost the ceiling. Such difficult times. Stay safe and looking forward to your return.

22 Dena said...

Glad you are okay, and congrats on your publications! Take care of yourself first. See you when you get back, Amber!


23 Kathy Salido said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and all affected by the flooding.

24 Sabrina said...

That is so scary Amber, I am so glad your husband is OK. You take care of yourself, and your family and we are all thinking of you. We will be here when you return! Hugs!
Sabrina :)

25 Jayne said...

Amber,so sorry to hear your news.I wish you and your family well. Congratulations on being published - you very much deserve it.

Jayne x

26 Glora said...

So scary, I'm sorry to hear this news. Take care and may the Lord bless you and your family. Hugs- Glora

27 Paper Compulsions said...

Sorry to hear you are having to go through all this. I pray for you and be here when you have time to "play" later.

28 rockpapercricut said...

My heart goes out to you and your family. Take all the time you'll need--we'll be waiting here for you when you get back. :)



29 Paper Panther and Rayna said...

Sorry I've been MIA lately but please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you Amber. I hope everything turns out ok. How scary! Congrats though on the magazine submissions!! That is so exciting! You'll have to let us know more details so we can check those out!

♥ Rayna